Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It took almost exactly a month, but I finally feel settled again.

In case anyone was unsure, I do NOT do transitions well! I hate change, particularly change that I don't have any control over. I like consistency and order and rules, and when I don't have those things, my whole little world is thrown out of whack... seriously. I just cannot handle it.

So, this afternoon, I was sitting at my computer trying to catch up on e-mail when a mom walked in the room to discuss her daughter's struggles with transitions. What a timely topic, right? I listened quietly and attentively and tried to add some nonspecific advice from time to time, but the whole time I'm sitting there thinking "If you only knew who you're talking to..." I'm basically her daughter in grown up form.

Luckily, despite all my fear and frustration and sadness (and at times fit throwing), most of my recent changes have gone well. Me, the girl who's pretty much always hated teaching, found herself sitting with her kids this afternoon truly enjoying her new job. And GroupLink, for all my fussing, turned out really well. I'm actually having FUN meeting the new people (yes, H... I owe you an apology!).

This feels very disjointed, but I guess it's just going to be that way because I've been busy being my typical social butterfly self. No time to write, and now it's time for bed ;-)

Thanks for the prayers and comments during my transition drama... I am SO thankful it's over!

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